Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday, 2/25/13

Dear Journal,

Sugar dump over the weekend=grumpy funk in class on Monday

The dear children were all out of sorts today.

The ones that weren't out cold and crashed on the tops of their desks met me with a whiny clamor for more time to do the project they were assigned over the weekend because they "didn't have time."

I put on my stern face and told them I couldn't give them class time unless they were really going to use it. "I can't give you my valuable time for you to just use laughing and talking."

Naturally, they protested loudly that they would NEVER do such a thing. (Yes, dears...I'm sure you wouldn't!)

And I gave them five minutes...

Turning to set up my computer with the WiFI projector, I met Ms. Wanda's twinkling eyes:

"Girl, you're soft as jello."

Ok, so I need to grow a backbone...

Still loving my job!

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