Tuesday, February 19, 2013

PowerPoint- Why the Sanctuary?

Powerpoint Presentation from Bible class last Thursday.
Notes: (I project the powerpoint onto the whiteboard, so that I (or the students) can write or draw on the slide during the presentation. Hence some slides are only a basic framework with no content.)

 Slide 2- Review of the character of God. Discussion: what is God like?

 3-Students write an attribute of God on the left side of the T-chart. (Note: I started off asking “Complete the sentence: God is _______. I found I got better responses when I asked them “what is your favorite thing about Jesus?”)

4-The wheel-in-a-wheel concept they have covered earlier in class. For ceaseless ages God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have existed in a circle of other-centered love. Each of them selflessly loves the other two. God created man to be in a circle of self-denying love with Him too. Man was to find his satisfaction in loving God and in loving His fellow man. Sin breaks this circle. Isaiah 59:2. Selfishness makes us self-centered instead of other centered. God is the epitome of unselfishness. There is no self-serving in His love. It is entirely other-centered.

 5-In contrast, what does Satan say about what God is like?

 6-Now, on the right side of the T-chart, students write what Satan says about the character of God. Discuss the differences. (The things Satan says about God are really true of himself)


 8-Write in the definitions as students call them out. Sin had to be allowed to play out. The reason God was able to bear to allow sin to run it’s course is because He provided a way out, so that anyone who would enter the "way out" wouldn’t have to die.

 9-Discuss in Think-pair-share.
 Ways: Nature, direct revelation, the lives and words of men of God.
Nature reveals God: “Among the heathen are those who, though ignorant of the written law of God, have heard His voice speaking to them in nature, and have done the things that the law required, and they are recognized as the children of God.” DA 638
Yet, what had happened by the time of the children of Israel? What kind of understanding of God did the children of Israel have? Were they others-centered or self-centered? They complained and clamored for food, water– they said "God has brought us out to destroy us." They didn’t understand God. Nature was no longer a sufficient "book." God needed a way to show them more directly what He is like and how the plan of salvation works. He needed to come get close to them. "Let them make me a Sanctuary that I may dwell among them."

 10-The way is in the Sanctuary, Jesus said “I am the way.”
 (From Pastor Baute sermon regarding Luke 24:27: Jesus spoke these words shortly after the crucifixion as He was walking behind a couple of His dejected disciples on the road to Emmaus. And if you remember they were very upset because here they were so convinced that Jesus was the Messiah and yet here, He was crucified – the most humiliating death. And so they were walking away, their faith was shaken, and they were wondering, “You know, maybe He wasn’t the Messiah after all.” And all of a sudden a Stranger comes alongside and begins talking to them and asks, “What’s happening? What are you gentlemen talking about?” And they began to tell Jesus what had happened that day in Jerusalem and then Jesus begins to talk to them about the law of Moses. Dear friends, what Jesus began to do was to expound upon the disciples the sanctuary. The plan of salvation. And as the disciples began to listen, they began to realize that the very act which to them had disproved Jesus being the Messiah now they realized was the ultimate evidence that Jesus was the Messiah. And they learned that through the sanctuary.)

13- The Sanctuary provides the answers to these questions and more.

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